The best way to go may be to use Calibre to create an epub,Īnd then convert it to mobi again with calibre You need to download the web contents with an app like httrack. The tutorial site is very well organized. Table Of Contents editor probably has what it takes to make the changes. go to tools=>Table Of Contents=> Edit Table Of Contents. (e) if you want to make changes in your ToC after making the epub, it is easier with Sigil. Then select your book and click "convert books".
#Export paperwork lightwrite zip#
Calibre will create the book in zip format. (d) Click "add book" button in Calibre and select your "Table Of Contents" file. On the "Table Of Contents" page tick "Force use of auto generated Table Of Contents and Do not add detected chapters. Untick everything in the "Heuristic processing" and "Structure detection" pages.

(d) to set up calibre, go to "preferences" => Common Options.

Just change its html title and header and see what happens.) If other files refer back to this file, see if you can just use the original parent file without changing its file name as the "Table Of Contents" file. ( I am assuming this file is the parent to all links. If needed, make your additions to the links in this file. Change (or make one if there is none) the first header to h1>Table Of Contents. Edit it and change title to Table Of Contents. (c) Take the site map or index or whatever page that does the best listing of what's in the web. Step 5 You will get a dialog box that asks you to match up the imported fields with LWs fields. Browse to and select the CSV file you created. Ive also tried to get it to convert to excel and that didnt work either.
#Export paperwork lightwrite pdf#
Im on a Mac but the built in pdf convertor didnt work. Ive tried converting to PDF but nothing is working. Step 4 Start a blank document in LightWright and select 'Import Data' from the file menu. Im trying to get copies of my paperwork to my ME who does no have access to Lightwright. (if the web has an index page or site map listing the pages, your job is easy.) Export your Excel sheet as a CSV (comma separated values) file. This will create a browsable mirror of the web site on your local device. (b) spider the web site: Cyotek WebCopy or HTTrack Website Copier will do just fine. Then you convert the zip to ebook in Calibre. (a) for the conversion to epub use Calibre. Then it turned out to be ridiculously simple. Developed mile long Xpath strings and what not.